
Install your website with one click

Easy.Install is a feature of world4you that allows you to install a desired web software on your server in a few steps.
Log in to my.world4you.com and choose the hosting package on which you want to install the web software.
In the menu, you can select Easy.Install, then choose the software and location.
Now, the software will be installed automatically. You will receive the access data during the installation and by email.

The most popular Easy.Installs at world4you

Follow the trend and install web software!

How to install a web software quickly & easily

Person with door
Log in
To set up a free Easy.Install, you'll first need to access my.world4you.com and log in to your account. After you are successfully logged in, navigate to the hosting packages to select the one on which you want to set up the Easy.Install.
Index finger that chooses between logos of different Easy.Installs
Select your desired web software from a list of available applications and define a location. This flexibility allows you to make the best use of your storage resources and install the software in a location that works best for you.
Person with box from which a gear with arrow protrudes
Now, the software will be installed automatically. Once the installation is complete, you will be sent login credentials both during the installation process and via email. With these credentials, you will be able to successfully log in to the system and use the software.
Person with computer on which a gear wheel is displayed
Easy.Install offers a user-friendly interface that allows you to adjust various settings and options. To make changes, open the software under Package > Easy.Install and navigate through the various tabs and menus.

All our Easy.Installs

You can install the following products quickly and easily with just a few clicks in your world4you customer area:

WordPress logo
With the weblog system WordPress, which is based on PHP and MySQL, publishing posts becomes a breeze. The freely available software is easy to install, meets all web standards, and enables a professional web presence in appealing designs.
TYPO3 logo
The widely used content management system TYPO3 offers intuitive operation, extensive functions, and many additional modules. The application is constantly being developed further, which gives TYPO3 a big advantage over other CMS solutions.
Joomla! logo
The popular content management system Joomla! originates from the award-winning CMS Mambo. Due to the flexible application possibilities, small to medium web presences can be easily designed and quickly implemented.
Drupal logo
The mature and flexible content management system Drupal meets all requirements of modern web development. From simple weblogs and company websites to large community portals with several thousand contributions, it can be used to create a wide variety of websites.
Contao logo
The free CMS Contao is ideal for somewhat more complex agency and company websites. The system can be designed and extended as desired thanks to more than 200 extensions. Contao scores with reliability and enjoys more and more applications.
MODX logo
With MODx, you create accessible pages with XHTML and CSS-based layouts. A powerful menu system and the AJAX communication and effect libraries are pre-installed. This allows you to integrate all kinds of lists into the website.
WooCommerce logo
The WooCommerce e-commerce platform is based on WordPress and is the world's most popular e-commerce solution. Get secure payment options, configurable shipping options, and much more with our WooCommerce package.
DokuWiki logo
Development teams, workgroups, and small companies can use DokuWiki to manage documentation of any kind. Without the need for a corresponding database, DokuWiki collects data files in text documents using simple but powerful syntax.
phpList logo
With the open-source application PHPList, you organize your newsletter distribution. Even large mailing lists are supported. Among the extensive functions, you will find subscription and unsubscription, templates, management of bounces as well as throttling of the mailing.
phpBB logo
The sophisticated system phpBB offers you a comprehensive and free tool to create your own discussion portal, including the possibility of administration.
myPHPGuestbook logo
myPHP Guestbook
With myPHP Guestbook, you get a simple software to create your online guestbook. Allow your users to leave comments and feedback on your website and collect the contributions clearly arranged in your own guestbook.
Piwigo logo
Piwigo image gallery software is considered a total solution for individuals, teams, and organizations of any kind. Hundreds of themes, plugins, and languages make the open-source software the top solution for anyone looking for the best possible flexibility.
LimeSurvey logo
With the software LimeSurvey, you create online surveys and can record the results in a database. The application already meets the requirements of common enterprise applications in the field of market research and is constantly being developed further.

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