Free protection of your WhoisData

Register domains anonymously

Domains & Anonymity

Person with a browser window showing a hut and glasses
Anonymous registration
In essence, domain information is publicly accessible to promote transparency on the web and to uncover any potential legal violations. While this is a commendable initiative, it also has its drawbacks. Every individual has access to your contact information, spammers can misuse your data, and projects that are not yet ready for public exposure could be discovered prematurely.

Thus, there are valid reasons for not wanting to appear in the Whois registry in terms of privacy and security. However, anonymization should not be used to conceal illegal activities.
Person with globe being clicked with mouse pointer
Who can register a domain anonymously?
Individuals, according to GDPR regulations, do not have a Whois entry by default, unless the desire to have one is explicitly expressed. There are no additional costs involved, allowing you, as an individual, to easily register a domain while remaining anonymous.

As a non-profit private organization, you have the option to utilize our privacy protection for selected top-level domains (TLDs), including .com, .org, .net, .info, .biz, .co, .name, and more. Whois protection can be easily activated in the customer area after purchasing a domain.

Included services

Transfer lock
At world4you a transfer lock is automatically set up for most domains. This prevents unauthorized persons from easily transferring and taking over your domain name to another registrar.
Privacy protection
Privacy protection allows you to hide the domain owner's Whois data. With this feature, you can stay anonymous, reduce spam, and protect your data from misuse.
SSL Let's Encrypt
The Let's Encrypt SSL is a free and automated service that allows you to easily and securely encrypt a website with SSL certificates.
Anycast DNS
Anycast DNS allows you to distribute requests to the nearest available DNS server for faster and more reliable domain name resolution.
DNSSEC is a security extension for the Domain Name System (DNS). Through digital signatures, DNSSEC ensures the authenticity and integrity of your domain and website.
Structure your website individually with up to 1,000 subdomains. These are included free of charge and can be created and deleted at any time.
Multidomains allow you to manage and use several different domains to expand your online presence and build brand awareness.
Domain linking
Link your domain to other world4you products, such as web hosting or your social media accounts such as LinkedIn, Instagram, or Facebook – with just a few clicks.

We are happy to support you!

Frequently Asked Questions
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